Facebook Ads have helped accelerate growth for most brands that embrace digital wholly. It has created a platform for digital services to increase awareness, driving their advertising to the right audience, with pin-point precision. With marketers now beginning to harness the power of dynamic content, there’s an increase in relevant ads being displayed on the social network.

The result is more engagement, which has built brands and diversified the selection the audience has. More choices, better quality, and an increase in value.

However, Facebook Ads is still an intricate platform desiring highly skilled strategists with a vision that is in line with the brand, and the audience. Where some brands fail with their marketing is aligning their ads too close to the brand’s ideals and not a customer-centric approach. As a result, brands can have a highly targeted ad campaign, which fails to achieve the results. Here are some of the other pitfalls you should avoid.

Leave reach behind

Reach is essential. Having a message reach more people means that you’re increasing awareness of your product. But what if those people are just not ready to be turned into customers or brand followers? Would you not consider reaching out to such an audience a waste of money? Of course it is to an extent.

Reaching out to a wider pool comes with the danger of shooting too far and missing the mark. Your product will land on millions of walls, but be ignored by the majority. This is not ideal if you’re dealing with strict budgets, and the ultimate goal is to increase followers, sign ups, leads or product purchases.

Don’t get too brand-centric

Your brand has its objectives – this is fact, and should be at the top of your priorities. However, your brands objectives shouldn’t overshadow the audience’s objectives. Simply put, don’t push a message that the audience doesn’t identify with. You’re not the only brand trying to capture and retain their attention, and the moment they feel a message is being forced on them, they’ll turn to the competition.

Your brand’s objectives should be aligned with the audience’s desires, as this allows you to create a message that caters to their objectives. As a result, you provide a message that is familiar and shows the value of your product.

Don’t go too narrow

While you may want to have a highly targeted ad campaign, going to narrow may also affect your reach, and it also means spending more. Remember you’re playing a game of see-saw, where you’re trying to balance reach and precision. So while your message might be targeted at expectant mothers, you may also want to explore the message reaching expectant fathers, grandparents and any other stakeholder.

The message can either be broad to ensure everyone within your target is able to relate, or you can tailor dynamic messages that speak to each sub-set.

Don’t fix it if it is too broken

Some campaigns belong in the dumpster. They bring very little results and spend a gross amount of the budget. If you can’t avoid such campaigns due to brand objectives, then have multiple campaigns running and assign as very little budget to the least performing campaign, while assigning the most budget to campaigns that are bringing returns.