What makes emails great?

Content of course.

Our inboxes are inundated with promotional emails, some of which call upon us to click till our fingers hurt while others are relegated to the spam folder. Surely there’s something special about those emails that make us crack our knuckles before we go on a shopping bonanza. But what is that special content sauce that’s got some businesses laughing all the way to the bank? Here are a few ideas to get you feeling like the mailman the dog actually likes.

Repurpose content

Under the right strategy, content can be infinitely repurposed. Okay, not infinitely, but you get the idea. Content can be repurposed into different consumables. A blog post can be transformed into an infographic, while a social media promotion can be translated into an email. This gives you numerous angles you can serve content you’ve already created, making it evergreen and relevant to your audience.

Interviews with thought leaders

This is especially relevant to businesses that offer services, but it also works with products. Interviewing thought leaders within your business can make you an authority within the industry. Your audience establishes more trust with your business when they hear opinions and advice from specialists and executives.

Behind the scenes

Your brand isn’t just important because of the service or products you sell. No. Fans love you because they are drawn in by your culture as well. Your culture can make excellent email material if you publish events, new company direction, the employment of key staff and much more. Giving your audience access to what happens behind the scenes can nurture a stronger relationship and trust between you and your customers.

Case studies of successes

Nurturing more trust in your service or product sometimes requires social proof. That’s why you need to consider writing case studies regularly of happy customers who have found an incredible amount of value using your product. Always start off by stating the problem and how your product became the best solution. This kind of content increases trust and desire for your offering.

If you don’t have capacity to publish case studies regularly, you can mix them in with positive reviews of your product.

Perfect place for feedback

Sometimes you don’t need to create the content, but promote user generated content. Emails are a perfect medium to make a call for submissions. Whether you’d like a review or content from your users, the best place to get it is from your email list. User generated content can be used in upcoming emails, or repurposed into articles and social media posts. The possibilities are almost infinite.

What’s more, the content you receive can provide insight into what your audience prefers. This can help you tailor your email content more accurately to suit the audience’s preferences.