We chat with Chanel Breytenbach, Digital Fire’s senior designer on the latest things happening in the world of video marketing and how it can impact your business.

Q: What’s all this talk about branded video content?

According to Econsultancy, video marketing is so prevalent that by 2016, 74% of all Internet traffic will be in the form of a video.

Videos are often given preference over image and text results in Google search, making it important not just for your user engagement but for reaching higher ranking spots in your search terms.

Here’s a few more reasons why video marketing should be on your to-do list:

  1. It is easy to digest – people don’t want to waste too much time reading your content, it needs to be quick and easily digestible.
  2. It expands your reach on social platforms – it opens your brand up to new audiences and potential customers.
  3. Google loves it – rich content like video positively impacts your search engine rankings.
  4. It boosts engagements with your fans. Everyone loves a good video.

Q: Why use gifs on social media?


According to the New York Times, Tumblr sees 23 million gifs posted to blogs daily (shew!).

Gifs are great to convey emotions in the span of 2 seconds. They’re like emojis which conveys a stronger message than static images or smiley faces. And as per the above stat they are very popular on social media platforms.

Why gifs instead of videos? Gifs are so quick and easy to consume. Taking into consideration SA’s high data cost and limited access to Internet, gifs are a quicker and mobile friendly option.

Q: Would you use video marketing in email campaigns?

Video marketing is a great platform to explain your service or product offering to your consumer in a short and concise way. Email marketing is still the most efficient and qualified way to reach your consumer online. Put them together and you are able to explain intricate service offerings to a dedicated audience in a way that is both easy to understand and to action.

What more can you ask for 😉


Q: Do you have some tips to help improve video content?

  • Keep your videos short and snappy.
  • Make the videos sexy and appealing by connecting with your audience.
  • Ensure that your video is seen! Promote and display it on all of your platforms. (I’m looking at your email)
  • Share it with influencers and your existing customer database through influencer and email campaigns.

Q: Any last bits of advice on dynamic content in general?

Remember: Always try to be bold within your brand and plan ahead – keep things fresh, interesting, and memorable so that people keep returning. Don’t simply do what your competitors are doing, but reach higher, further, deeper.

Even if it gets you in trouble sometimes…